Technology, Innovation & Decarbonisation in the Energy Sectors

15-16 June 2022

Future Energy Systems put the focus on green energy delivery and how technology and digitalisation can contribute to the decarbonisation of the energy sector. Panellists discussed the barriers to adoption and investigated challenges and opportunities from renewable growth, including harnessing and developing the power of digital technology.

Future Energy Systems attendees included representatives of utility companies; technology vendors; policy managers, investors, procurers, system integrators, oil & gas companies, government and municipal authorities.


 Press Release  On-Demand Recordings    Post-conference report



Smart Grid Transitioning

The significance of an electric grid and digital infrastructure

Energy Storage Technologies

Overcoming the high capacity, long duration energy conundrum

Energy Transition

Renewable integration and building a decarbonised energy system

Microgrids Modernisation

Providing sustainable power to remote communities

Regulation and Conformance

How AI is influencing processes and regulatory bodies

Change Management

People, Process and Technology: Redefining workforce objectives

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